The wet stuff brings many issues, as we leak, and every time the water runs down the walls the electrics go off. So although the rain is nice, I like it when it stops, but this time, it just didn't stop, the speed, and force the rain came we didn't have a chance! As I watched my property be engulfed in water and mud, I sat and cried.
We are on top of a mountain, my stables, kennels and sheep enclosures, are perched on a rock, and although the kennels were dry, and the dogs were safe, the water swept through everywhere else like a river. From our top gates the river traveled, straight through my stable gates, and into the stables, every single one went under water.
One of the back walls of the stable actually fell off the building, and crashed down the mountain.

We learnt so much after the rain, we learnt where to bash holes for rain to escape, and where to build walls to divert. We also learnt that nature is a force far stronger than us, so, when it starts to rain again, I pause, take a deep breath and pray it will never be as bad as that day ever again.
Imagine a big sad crying emoji just here.x