Monday 25 December 2017

Just Another Day......

Anyone with animals will know the feeling that the 25th AKA Christmas Day, is just another day. It might not be so bad with one or two animals, but with the quantity we have here, there is no relaxing, and unwinding. Whilst everyone is up early, in their PJ's unwrapping, we are feeding, and cleaning, just like every other day.

There are no lay ins with animals, no early morning cuddles on the sofa, or mid morning strolls, it is the same routine 365 days of the year. Animals do not care that on this day we have been programmed to sit, eat too much, and fall asleep. All we can ask for is that there are no major disasters, and that for a proportion of the day we can sit and relax.

In fact we had our Christmas yesterday, so, all the presents unwrapped, HUGE dinner eaten, and family time spent together. We have celebrated Christmas on the 24th for many years due to work commitments, I think we just insist on being different.

So, today will be spent catching up on paperwork, and flicking through the endless photos of roast dinners and bad jumpers that people post on FB...... Hope everyone has an amazing day, gets everything they wanted, and spend time with the ones they love. FELIZ NAVIDAD <3

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