Thursday 13 September 2018

Just Another Crazy Week

It has been yet another mad busy, crazy week, I seem to say that a lot, but hey it is true. Although every week is different, it is also the same, different in the medical and behavioral cases, yet the same as it never ends. Same story every day, every week, of every year.

Everywhere is full, everyone is messaging each other hoping that someone has space for dogs before they are PTS. Sadly there is just no space, resulting in my heart sinking a little further every day. Cases are coming in that I simply cannot afford to take, and more people than ever before asking for help.

I can truly see why so many rescues close due to a lack of funds, support I have, funds are low. The sheer numbers of abandoned animals on these islands, never matches the amount of people who step up to adopt, nor does it match the huge amount of funding needed to save these animals.

The heartbreaking reality is that thousands of animals die here every year, and yes I know I cannot save them all, however, the reason why is pure and simple, money. My energy levels are low, my faith in humans lower, although I receive an amazing amount of donations, it simply is never enough.

Another bolloxing from the vet this week, and this time he had his serious face on. He cannot keep allowing me to run the bill up, which yet again is over 4000€, I understand his point, but does not make it any easier. So, whilst I decide whether to stop helping for a while, as there is simply no funds, I also get to enjoy yet another calima... 50c heat and sad... yippeee

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