Thursday 2 August 2018

Is It From England?

Adopting a dog is a huge decision, and one that needs research and patience, therefore, I understand people doing their homework. However, what I don't understand is people dismissing a dog because it came from abroad. Regardless of where the dog originated from, surely it deserves a chance?

We never hide the fact where our dogs come from, GC is even in our name, therefore, with a bit of research you will soon discover that the dogs are not from the UK. If you do not want to adopt from a foreign rescue, no problem, walk away, however, don't be abusive about the fact.

Our foster home sin the UK use a number of different online platforms to advertise the dogs, and get them homes, and it is shocking just how many people have become what can only be described as animal racist. Some people only want a dog if it is "English"

The moment they discover that the dog is in fact from abroad, they get all defensive, and start with the crap.  Some of the worst things said are:

" it wont understand me, I speak English"
" im British, so I want a dog like me"
" we are over run with immigrants, don't need immigrant dogs as well"

Notice there is a pattern here, What does it matter where the dog comes from, all charities, and rehoming places need adoptions. However, if you are going to judge my dogs because of where they were born, I don;t want you to adopt one of my dogs anyway!


  1. I can't believe people are that stupid and are not ashamed to admit it! But in the end it's their loss.

  2. I can't believe people are that stupid and are not ashamed to admit it! But in the end it's their loss.
